All drawings have been completed with the use of grey lead pencils unless otherwise specified.
(Unable to find the Sequential Art Storytelling Exercises from Week One, my apologies)
Week One/Two - Automatism & Style

Warm Up - Mirroring approx 10-15 minutes

Texture Making with Brush Marker, approx 10 minutes

Automatic Drawing with Brush Marker, approx 10 minutes

Observational Drawing Grey Lead and Brush Marker, approx 15-20 minutes
Week Three - Life Drawing an Introduction

Observational Drawing Focus on Line of Action, approx 10 minutes

Line of Action, 30 second poses

Observational Drawing with a focus on Line of Action, approx 10 minutes

Observational Drawing focus on Interior Drawing approx 10 minutes

Observational Drawing approx 5 minutes

Observational Drawings, approx 5-10 minutes

Contouring Exercises approx 5 minutes each
Week Four- Vectors and Negative Space

Vector and Geometric Drawing approx 20 minutes

Charcoal Vector and Geometric Observational Drawing approx 10 minutes

Charcoal Geometric/Vector Drawing approx 1 minute each

Vector and Geometric Observational Drawing approx 10 minutes

Vector Drawing approx 10 minutes
Week Five - Observation and Simplification for Animation

Fold Types and Warm Ups approx 30 seconds - 1 minute each

Geomtric Simplifying Folds approx 5 minutes

Clothing Fold Practice approx 5-10 minutes

Clothing Fold Practice approx 5-10 minutes

Simplifying Fabric Folds approx 5 minutes

Simplifying Folds approx 10 minutes